Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Here goes...

So, a blog. How to start my first ever appearance on the internet, certainly my first written contribution and certainly the first time fully clothed. Plenty of paragraphs. That should fill the space.

I've created this because I want to leave my indelible mark on the world around me, and the council seem intent on painting over my best graffiti, so here I am. The words I have to share are not original, but their positioning may well be. My thoughts are recycled, but carry the resonance of truth. If I can convey to you, the bored housewife, exactly what makes me tick and how I view the world, I will have conveyed to you exactly what makes me tick and how I view the world.

This isn't as easy as I expected. As with every other being aspiring to drag themselves out of their self-made hole, I have of course written a novel, since we are told that there is a book in every one of us. Not true. Within us, there are three pages of nonsense, and therein, enough plot holes already to make even JK Rowling blush.

I think I get it now. My next entry will logically be my three or so pages of novelistic drivel, typed up for your supreme lack of pleasure. Can someone remind to do that please? Ta.


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