Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Having not written anything for a couple of weeks, I clearly have a diarrhoetic urge to purge my system of my surplus thoughts. Incidentally, the German for diarrhoea is "durchfall", literally "through fall". Nice...

I've just been cast as a baddie in Aladdin to go up just after Christmas. It's basically an opportunity to make small children cry without the usual need to talk to them, hold them or anything else which makes them burst into tears and go running to their parents. Don't kids say the funniest things?

No, they don't. They say incorrect things which as adults, we are meant to find funny, but I don't think encouraging ignorance is a laughing matter. Unless you want to be a doctor. Laughter is apparently the best medicine, but try telling that to my cousin. He got knocked over by a car and despite laughing at him for a good hour afterwards, he still had a broken leg and collarbone. I feel sure he appreciated the irony.


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