Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Isn't it funny...

I haven't posted for ages and as such probably have a whole heap of verbal detritus to get rid of.

Nope, doesn't look like I do...

Meanwhile, I finished my stand-up comedy course and my six minutes of fame can be found here - I'm going to do the copyright thing of "it's all mine, don't nick any of my stuff, else you're for it", but that's wishful thinking. I've got my first proper gig on 16th June in which I will try out new "edgy" material like observational comedy and thoughts on my childhood. Close to the bone and innovative I know, but that's how I live.

So I've gone from that to being in a musical, The Boyfriend. We start tonight and I play someone's dad which takes a lot of greying-up naturally, although I over-did it on the hair spray and apparently my barnet looked blue when on stage, rather than distinguished silver. Not the effect I was hoping to achieve, but then having a white ear for the first Act thanks to the spray wasn't part of it either.

This is all quite dull, so I'll leave you with this: nothing is duty, merely choice. Hmm...

Look after yourself... and each other.