Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 5 - lunch (good), work (bad)

In a remarkably non-hungover state I awoke and watched a good film this morning and had:

Porridge (well nice!)
Couple of slices of bread (got to stop that)

Lunch was Beef roast in excellent company, but had to leave early to go into work which was crap.

Tonight is a pizza which is in my freezer and probably as couple of slices of bread, and a film. The film is calorie-free...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 4 - tuck and maul

On way to rugby so beginning post as coordination might not be great later.

Couple slices fro breakfast and banana smoothie

Cheese sandwich for lunch

Now - beer...

So - had beer and resisted crisps in the pub...

And the healthiest Subway(ham) for dinner/midnight feast.

Day 3 - smash and grab

So the hottest day for a while brought traffic, tears and trams. Apart from the tears. Due to heavy traffic and diversionisations, I didn't get time to buy lunch so grabbed an air sandwich, very nice it was too.

Yoghurt thing for breakfast

Air sandwich for lunch

Masala wrap thing from Waitrose for evening and fruit drink

Couple of slices of bread at home

In amongst all that I went to a play reading (all about bad business). Rugby on day 4 which I suspect will involve calorific water...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lent - day 2 of about a million

So actually I didn't feel as tired as I expected although I did trough at around 11 and nearly spilt my pint all over myself...


Blueberries with yogHurt and muesli, home made

Pesto pasta with a roll and Pepsi which was in the fridge

Vegetable and Goats cheese wrap and a fruit drink
A Frosties cereal bar

A pint of Carling (which means 'low fat' in Swedish)

I'm also drinking more water than usual which is an infinitesimal improvement. One good thing is that I've lost a couple of pounds already which shows how artificially high I must be keeping my weight through eating crap.

Day 3 will involve a slap-up pay-day lunch. Bring on those vegetables!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

And I was "lent"-to-meet-'er

Lent started today and with it a million office chats about who is giving up what.

I would guess that chocolate is the most popular casualty followed closely by originality. However, I would count myself amongst "The Unoriginals" and am also giving up chocolate, but under a much broader umbrella, that of "anything which I know is bad for me".

"Anything which I know is bad for me" includes but is not limited to chocolate, crisps, chips, full fat anything, fun and a sense of perspective. Ultimately it's what most people would consider normal, healthy eating. Coming at it from a different angle, to me it is abnormal. To keep a track on myself, I'm going to list here what I have had and therefore what I consider "good for me". Probably worth putting here that alcohol doesn't count because it's not solid...

Wednesday (day 1 of Lent - say it in a Geordie accent, much more fun)

* Waitrose (get me) yoghurt and fruit compote
* Waitrose (see above) apple and kiwi drink

* Sainsburys (standards are slipping) veg pot
* A bread roll made of bread

* Pesto pasta (is the similar nature of the words deliberate? We should be told) with vegetables and some cheese on top (it's in the fridge so have to use it before it goes off. It didn't taste that good in the pancakes last night...)

Throw in a couple of Diet Cokes, a couple of coffees and some water; you have day 1. Steady without being spectacular and a far better diet than would otherwise have passed my gluttonous lips.

So what of hopes for day 2? Well, leftover "pesto pasta" (see above) for lunch and a homemade yoghurty compote thing for breakfast. Dinner tbc, but it will involve vegetables (which are good for you. Who knew?). I wonder if Jesus blogged about day 2 when he was in the wilderness, although let's be honest the bible is made up anyway so it was clearly the bit where the writers couldn't be bothered. "Oi, Mark, er I mean, Matthew, no, it's, er, John, wait, Luke, oh whatever your name is - let's go down the pub". That's what happened and if you don't believe me then we're both going to hell (which doesn't exist unless you believe in God in which case you're not going there so it's the biggest paradox known to man).

Meet you back here tomorrow.