Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Love me or hate me

Advertisers are very clever, especially in my opinion the ones for Marmite, the yeast-based salt-laden spread. As all Brits know, we are told that we have to love it or hate it - there is no middle ground. Unfortunately, the majority of people take this to heart and are often heard to say, "oh that is sooooo right, I really hate it, but my boyfriend loves it. Isn't that strange?! Right, let's have another Bacardi Breezer. Will that be our 14th or 15th of the afternoon?..."

Essentially, the advertisers have created product loyalty for something which some people don't even use, but who enjoy the subsequent banter it creates. Forget the fact that there are probably as many who are indifferent to the delights of Marmite as there are lovers or haters. There are many other products which can be said to apparently divide opinion in a similar vein, but you don't hear, "I tell you what, isn't it funny how you either love or hate butter/horses/ankle injuries..."

As for me, I love Marmite. You don't, you say? Isn't that weird...


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