Friday, March 02, 2007

Running schmunning

Running is boring and dull.

The last two weeks have been slow, principally because of an unsually busy diary, resulting in the not especially well balanced equation of No Running + Eating Out & Drinking = Decreased Fitness and Increased Fatness. I've enjoyed it, but always under the guff of a guilty cloud telling me I should be behaving myself. Well, today I heeded those words from the talking, guffy cloud and for the first time basically since it got a bit cold, I cycled into work. I've got shiny new mudguards, nice bright lights and pumped up tyres, so there's no excuse now not to do it every day, or at the very least once a month.

I'm also running at lunchtime today, plus doing 14 miles around Richmond Park and it's environs on Sunday. A full-on resumption of my training schedule with no lead-in is a kill or cure strategy, but one in which cure is the only real result. The run is in just over seven weeks and I'm not planning on dropping dead during the race, so improved health and fitness would seem sensible. Saying that, I have got a runner's injury of sorts, Piriformis Syndrome which is this -
In crude terms, a pain in the arse. I'm having regular physio now though, so a combination of baby oil and someone kneading my backside with their elbow is helping me, or at the very least taking my mind off the problem for an hour or so.

In real life, I've been cast to play Fagin in Oliver around May/June time, clearly chosen because of my rangy figure, readily able to portray someone who struggles to find the money for his next feed...


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